
Press Release News

We are in the latest copy of VetCPD with an exciting offer… Check it out and make a saving on our high quality products

Good things are happening….

Here at Papertec we are enjoying the buzz in the factory of running the machines …… it’s so satisfying watching the drape sail through the rollers ready to box up!

Tommy the Office Cat!

So as businesses are gradually beginning to reopen, we are excited as your orders start to trickle back in. It’s showing signs that we as a nation are moving forward, slowly and carefully, hopefully turning a corner away from the isolation and anxiety that most of us have felt over these past few months, and, if distancing/safety rules are adhered to, eventually we can once again sit with our friends, hold hands with loved ones and share meals with the people we miss so much.

Tommy is sending lots of purry love to you all!